Friday, July 29, 2011

Best Headline Ever

Serial Butt Slasher Pursued In Virginia 

Read the article here. 

Seriously though, this dude is going after ladies butts. He creates a disturbances and then slashes their butts with a box cutter or switch blade. Men are so fucked up.

Debt Ceiling

Is anyone else sick of hearing about this shit? I sure am. And the whole thing is framed all wrong. The Republicans keep yelling about how we can't keep spending money-with some Tea Partiers even suggesting the debt ceiling be lowered. The truth is-THIS IS MONEY WE'VE ALREADY SPENT. Congress allocated it and  now they are mad about it? What the fuck is all I have to say.

Even Wall Street is starting to get pissed at their Republican buddies. True Republicans are getting pissed at crazy ass Tea Party freshman. And the Democrats keep serving up cuts and have walked back their demands on raising revenue. Then President Obama put entitlements on the table to cut? Is he still a Democrat? Jesus. Politics have been pushed so far right lately they all look Republican to me.

Blogging is Hard

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Not Ridiculous - A Fabulous Blog

If you aren't reading it yet, you should. My favorite blog is called Alice's Bucket List. Described by Alice herself:
Hi, I'm 15 years old and live with my parents and sister in Ulverston. I've been fighting cancer for almost 4 years and now I know that the cancer is gaining on me and it doesn't look like I'm going to win this one :( I'm hoping to write in here as much as I can and I'm also going to show my bucket list which I'm trying to get done before I have to go. Hopefully, I'll update as I tick each one off the list :)
And so she does! If you ever feel down, the blog is perfect to read to put things into perspective. Alice is unrelentingly positive and it makes me feel encouraged to be the same! So glad to have found this.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Tim Pawlenty Likes Lady Gaga........Is Still Boring

The Washington Post reported that Tim Pawlenty, in a desperate attempt to have people pay attention to him, asked a group of Iowa bloggers what their favorite Gaga song was. Then they asked him to name his. His response?
"Well you know, in terms of the beat, I like 'Bad Romance,'" Pawlenty said. "I gotta say, even though she's a little unusual, 'Born this Way' has some appeal. She's actually very talented. Now if you go to the end of the HBO special, the Lady Gaga HBO special, and you watch her sing a cappella "Born This Way," she can sing. She can definitely sing. She's talented."
Born this way? The LGBT anthem? What what? Lifted directly from Mr. Pawlenty's website:
I firmly believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, as President Obama told us he believed in 2008.  But now President Obama and his Justice Department would have us believe that traditional marriage laws are unconstitutional. I oppose the Justice Department's political decision to reverse its policy defending the Defense of Marriage Act, a federal statute passed overwhelmingly by Congress and signed into law by President Clinton.
For the record, Michele Bachman signed an antigay marriage pledge today and Tim Pawlenty is considering it. A gay hater who likes Lady Gaga.........? Tim Pawlenty is an enigma wrapped in a mystery. And still boring. And pretty hypocritical.

Fun fact: When you Google Tim Pawlenty and start typing in Tim, Tim McGraw shows up first. People are more interested in Tim McGraw than Tim Pawlenty and he hasn't even released an album since 2009. 

Oh my gosh, Racism all around me

Sometimes the people that I work with floor me.

I was having lunch yesterday with 3 of my coworkers-2 white, 1 black girl. The conversation turned to babies. And then to how the white women couldn't tell if black babies were male or female. The black girl quickly admitted that she could not tell if a white baby was a boy or girl. COME ON PEOPLE. No one can tell with little babies-black, white or fuckin purple. Babies are pretty androgynous until people start shoving them into gendered clothing. This conversation inevitably moved to-you guys all look the same to me. The whole time I'm just sitting there like "Wow, just racist all over the place."

I legit don't think any of these ladies are racist. But what a racist conversation. For the record, most people look pretty different to me, even if they share a skin tone.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Thank you internets.......
Stop complaining about IPAs!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Jokes Never Take Long

David Brooks calls Republicans "Not Normal"

Over the weekend conservative journalist David Brooks wrote a piece in the NYTimes discussing Republican brinkmanship on the debt ceiling and their refusal to consider raising taxes as part of a compromise. I particularly liked this part:
That’s because the Republican Party may no longer be a normal party. Over the past few years, it has been infected by a faction that is more of a psychological protest than a practical, governing alternative.
When tolerable conservative thinkers are pointing out that the party is getting too crazy, that's when you know shit is too crazy.

Also, David Brooks has the best comb over EVER. From the front you can't even tell he is completely bald in the back.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

If you wanna meet men in Indy........

So, I, awesomely, won free tickets to see Florence and the Machine at White River last night. Being the people we are, my friend and I decided to take the bus downtown to avoid the headache of parking on such a busy day. So, we left from her house and walked to 38th and Winthrop to wait for the 39 to carry us to our destination.

As we were standing there, sipping on our mixed drinks (cleverly hidden in pop bottles), I saw a car pull up and park behind us, by the fair grounds. I keep running my mouth when this dude walks up. He introduces himself as Larry and asks what we are doing because, and I quote, he was "trying to kick it" with us. He asked about boyfriends, which we both claimed to have (he believed me and not Katie-I'm a good liar). Larry informed us that they needed to be driving us around so that we didn't have to take the bus.  This dude had neck tattoos and a tatt on his face that looked like it was supposed to be a tear drop........until someone stumbled into his face with the tattoo gun. His choice to try and make friends by pulling over on the side of 38th street making him even more questionable.

As he drove away, telling us to have a good night and to get drunk, Katie said "I guess we can't really say we never meet men in Indianapolis." Indeed, madam. Indeed.

My next boyfriend comes from the bus stop.

Mantyhose Update-An Empassioned Defense

A comment, posted to my blog, about Mantyhose. I apologize for all you guys out there secretly getting away with wearing your mantyhose.
While not too many guys are going to be wearing the white ones shown in your photo here, there are a lot of guys who have discovered the practical benefits of wearing 'mantyhose'. They're great for keeping your legs energized if you're on your feet all day long, or if you just happen to have poor leg circulation, for instance.

The majority of guys who wear them still wear them under long pants, but there's a growing number who are brave enough to wear them with shorts. Of those, most (like myself) stick to colors that more or leg match skin tone and thus are hardly noticeable to passersby on the street.

Keep an eye out next time you're on a busy street, you might be surprised to notice a few guys wearing them right out there in the open that you might've missed otherwise.
 I'm watching for your mantyhose........and judging you.