This is what it feels like to be a woman in Indiana right now. Fuck you Mitch Daniels. Fuck Rep. Eric Turner for introducing the bill that defunds Planned Parenthood, forces doctors to give women unproven and inaccurate information regarding abortion and makes Indiana the most women hating state in the union. Let's not forget this is the guy that said that women would lie about being raped just to get an abortion during the debate about freeing up abortion restrictions in cases of rape and incest. Eric Turner, obviously looking out for women (note the sarcasm). Mitch Daniels, obviously thinking of running for president since he is pandering to the conservative right.
I love you Indiana. But, more and more, you make me feel like moving.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Weeds Vs. Breaking Bad
Breaking Bad is different. Walter White, a nerdy high school teacher, is no more intimidating than a suburban housewife. But when he wants to get something done, he gets shit done. He doesn't need an army of admirers saving him. Don't cross him. He'll blow up chemicals in your face. But he is a man, so that makes it ok.....
Walter White is everything I had hoped Nancy Botwin would be after watching the first season of Weeds. He is independent and solves problems using his smarts. It frustrates me how easy it is for writers to portray a male character that way, but how hard it seemed for the Weeds writers to let the Nancy character have anything but her sexuality as her saving grace.
We are so much more than just sex objects! But judging from the media portrayal of women, you wouldn't know that.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
I know what you are going to say-we know he is ridiculous, have you heard his music? Yes, I have. And it makes me wanna boom boom pow blow my head off.
It is his comments to Elle during an interview regarding things that women keep at home that have earned him the title of ridiculous. Here goes:
For reals should be more worried if she didn't have condoms. Especially if she was letting him hit that shit raw. I mean, it's 2011, most people have had multiple partners. So, if you don't have to use a condom.....maybe a lot of people haven't had to either......and maybe you get herpes. Condom owning ladies, those are the respectable ones. Fuck you
It is his comments to Elle during an interview regarding things that women keep at home that have earned him the title of ridiculous. Here goes:
"If she had condoms in her house, that would just fuckin' throw me off. That's just tacky."Tacky, huh? I always thought of it as being prepared. Owning a box of condoms doesn't make you a slut, any more than owning a gun makes you a murderer. It is the responsible thing to do, to take control of your sexual health and to protect yourself. Making responsible decisions hardly seems tacky to me. But then again, I thought the song My Humps was tacky, so what do I know.
For reals should be more worried if she didn't have condoms. Especially if she was letting him hit that shit raw. I mean, it's 2011, most people have had multiple partners. So, if you don't have to use a condom.....maybe a lot of people haven't had to either......and maybe you get herpes. Condom owning ladies, those are the respectable ones. Fuck you
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Donald Trump
On Celebrity Apprentice, Donald Trump had the following conversation:
Hahahahaha, I'm going to be laughing about it all day. "Meatloaf-Should I run for President?" Hahahaha
TRUMP: Good morning. Everybody is saying I should run for president. Let me ask you a question. Meatloaf, should I run for president?
MEATLOAF: Absolutely.
TRUMP: Now you would definitely vote for me.
MEATLOAF: I would vote for you, I would help you with your campaign.
TRUMP: Ok, I thought so. What do you think Star? You’re a political analyst.
JONES: Of course, I’m right here now, ready to roll.
TRUMP: Who would not vote for me?…I would say anybody that raised their hand would immediately be fired because they’re stupid.This is what the Republicans got? A candidate who asks MEATLOAF if he should run for President. It must be cold and lonely in the deep dark possible Republican presidential candidate pool.
Hahahahaha, I'm going to be laughing about it all day. "Meatloaf-Should I run for President?" Hahahaha
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Ridiculously Awesome Dance Party - X Ray Spex
The lead singer of this band, Poly Styrene, died yesterday, after a battle with cancer. My sister introduced me to the X Ray Spex when we were in high school or college. Here is my favorite song, entitled: O Bondage, Up Yours:
I loved it then and love it still!
Ridiculously Awesome - Rant on Stereotypes
The following is a rant, penned by a 10 year old girl, regarding stereotypes about girls and women:
Dear Boys from around the World,I think I like it even better because the little girl is in Avon, IN. I hope my kids are this awesome.
There is just one ting I have to say before I go on. STOP BEING SO STEREOTYPICAL! . The reason I have to let this is out of my system I am yet to tell you. So today I was reading a Mini Boden magazine ( some place in Sweden), and the magazine people asked questions to the kids who were modeling. The one question that ticked me off was this question:
"What is the biggest difference between Boys ( That means you Boys) and Girls?"
Here are some answers that were in this "magazine". Kian, age 6, "Girls Like dolls, and Boys don't". Oh okay I know what you're thinking "Oh he's just six!". Well you better listen to this. Stefano, age 7, "Girls wear pink, and Boys wear blue and green." Okay you're probably thinking the same thing. "Oh he is just 7. Well here is another one. Aiden, 6, "Girls like nail polish; Boys like Soccer Balls.' Yeah I know he is six too. But getting closer to the older ones. Asha, age 8, "Boys are rougher and stronger." Yeah he's eight. Not six, or seven. He's eight. He's got a brain. He's smarter than six and seven yr olds. It's kind of old to me, because I am turning 11 this year. Okay so now that I have listed those Boys' opinions, I am going to list the reasons why I think they are stereotypical.
#1 Hey I'm a Girl, and I HATE dolls! I also hate Barbies, pink, my little ponies, and glitter is okay I guess. But I don't love it like boys think all girls do. But that's just my opinion. Well let me give you a quick lesson. Not all Girls like prissy stuff including me...Give it a ponder.
#2 Like I said I HATE pink. I despise it. HACK See I spat on it. That's how much I hate pink. Hey guess what Stefano, age 7, I wear blue, green, orange, and white about everyday like every other kid in America ( and for this kid in Sweden). I like just about every other color in the rainbow. Except for Pink ( the color not the singer). and purple. So Stefano, I think you have learned an important fact that not all Girls like pink.
#3 For one thing though I do like nail polish, but not just Boys like soccer. For example my friend Heidi is a master soccer player. You mess with her, she kicks you in the shins, or maybe just trips you on the field. Seriously I think you should stay away. For reals.
And finally #4 Okay one thing is that I could beat many boys in a wrestling competition that is up to my grade. Like at lunch today, I was an arm wrestling my friend that happens to be a boy. I beat him. Finally I took my hand off , because I knew he had enough. And also Jillian Michaels, or at least I think it is Jillian Michaels, she's really strong. Probably the strongest woman I've ever heard of. So Asha, 8, give it a ponder.
So really the only reason I wrote this editiorial was to address Boys to stop being so stereotypical and for reading that messy magazine. And the only reason I was reading the magazine was because I was bored. And I must have been really bored to be reading a Swedish magazine about clothes that strangely gets sent to my house.
A Random person in Avon Indiana
Eliza Sayers, age 10
Monday, April 25, 2011
Arresting teachers, pregnant teens and young moms
The Emergency Financial Manager of Detroit Public Schools recently announced a plan to to close eight schools and convert 45 more into charter schools. One of the schools slated for closing is Catherine Ferguson Academy, a school for pregnant teens and young mothers.
Students and staff attempted petitioning and writing letters to gain the attention of the Emergency Financial Manager, Robert Bobb, with no result. On April 15, a protest and sit in was planned. A number of staff and students planned to stay in the school's library to protest the closing. Police officers told the protesters that the school was closed and they were trespassing. After refusing to leave, a number of students and staff were arrested. You can read more about this here and here.
Bob Cesca said it best:
The government in Michigan is saying to these teens-we can't afford to give you an education that will give you the chance at a good job that will allow you to support yourself. While the Federal government is all like-Um, we are going to go ahead and pull some of your food assistance that you receive through WIC for you and your child. See how they are being set up to struggle.
And it isn't just young teens with kids, this is just an example. Those of us with the least are being asked to sacrifice the most, while those with the most are getting more. Shit is fucked.
The school has a 90% graduation rate and a 100% college acceptance rate after graduation-numbers unheard of when we are talking about young mothers.
"The school provides pre-natal and parenting classes, and offers high school student mothers the opportunity to finish their high school education immediately after giving birth by providing on-site daycare, early childhood development services, and pre-school for their children, as well as on-site medical, dental and social services, so the young women don't have to miss school to attend appointments. What also makes CFA unique is its organic garden and farm with chickens, goats and a horse, which the students maintain as part of their science education."
Students and staff attempted petitioning and writing letters to gain the attention of the Emergency Financial Manager, Robert Bobb, with no result. On April 15, a protest and sit in was planned. A number of staff and students planned to stay in the school's library to protest the closing. Police officers told the protesters that the school was closed and they were trespassing. After refusing to leave, a number of students and staff were arrested. You can read more about this here and here.
Bob Cesca said it best:
Instead of raising taxes on the super-rich, Michigan Republicans are employing dictatorial powers -- dissolving local governments and selling off public facilities to private corporations, including, as you'll find out below, a public school for pregnant teens. This is tea party government in action. This is your pro-life party. They arrest pregnant teens and deprive them of a decent education -- instead of taxing the rich. Utterly disgusting.I don't agree with the sentiment that Tea Party is responsible for the arrest of these students and faculty, but I do agree that it is disgusting that while Tea Party Republicans are throwing bitch fits over higher taxes for the wealthy and corporations, they are championing cutting programs that help the lower and middle classes. Cause, you know, there isn't enough money. So, there is money for tax cuts for people who don't need it, but no money for services for people who need them? It's reverse Robin Hood.
The government in Michigan is saying to these teens-we can't afford to give you an education that will give you the chance at a good job that will allow you to support yourself. While the Federal government is all like-Um, we are going to go ahead and pull some of your food assistance that you receive through WIC for you and your child. See how they are being set up to struggle.
And it isn't just young teens with kids, this is just an example. Those of us with the least are being asked to sacrifice the most, while those with the most are getting more. Shit is fucked.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Redneck Fishing
A friend of mine told me about something called redneck fishing. I had to explore further. Here is a description, pulled directly from the Redneck Fishing Tournament website:
There, check out a CBS news report on the subject.
I have not too much to say about this, except I thought that everyone should know about it. Not only because it is funny, but because we should probably be pretty horrified by how badly we can fuck mother nature with all of our meddling.
In bold letters the site proclaims-fishing poles not allowed, bats and nets ok!
"This breed of carp does not belong in these waters. An imported carp to help keep farm ponds clean accidentally got loose. Eventually they wound their way to the Mississippi and into many other tributaries. With few predators they are making a mess of the rivers eating the food that native fish would normally thrive on. The object of the redneck fishing tournament is to haul in as much carp as possible. You don't use a pole... a net will do! You need a good loud john boat and just tool on down the river and catch these flying carp... yup I said FLYING, since these fish jump out of the water because of the noise. A net helps to catch the ones that fail to jump into the boat. I suggest wearing a helmet or hardhat since these things have been known to injure people as the fish leap out of the river."
I have not too much to say about this, except I thought that everyone should know about it. Not only because it is funny, but because we should probably be pretty horrified by how badly we can fuck mother nature with all of our meddling.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Peeps are kinda cool
It is that time of year again.....Easter! Time for peeps and Cadbury Cream eggs. And Jesus, if you are into the less sugary/commercial side of things. I can honestly say, I can not remember the last time I had a peep. Or if I've ever had a peep. But soon, I will have a peep. Peep this (pun intended)...
I browse food blogs often. I don't know why. I don't cook THAT much. So, while browsing one site I came across these:
These are peep stuffed brownies. That's right, a triple chocolate brownie with peeps melted right into them. I love chocolate and marshmallow. This will be amazing when I make it......after peeps go on clearance next week, post Resurrection.
But, the peep fad doesn't stop there. No. There is peep ART! Check this out:
I browse food blogs often. I don't know why. I don't cook THAT much. So, while browsing one site I came across these:
These are peep stuffed brownies. That's right, a triple chocolate brownie with peeps melted right into them. I love chocolate and marshmallow. This will be amazing when I make it......after peeps go on clearance next week, post Resurrection.
But, the peep fad doesn't stop there. No. There is peep ART! Check this out:
Who knew that an uber sugary marshmallow treat had a whole other purpose besides inducing diabetes in children (and me, next week).
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Ridiculously Awesome - Melt-Face
I have a friend who I have known since the 5th grade, who is a one man band, check it out (mad props if you can find me dancing):
More Indiana!
Students and faculty at the the IU Indianapolis Law School received the following email (presented in full):
This kid is a douche bag, of the highest order. The Office of Professional Development treats black kids better?.........Um, how about the whole world treats your ass better for being lilly white? Oh, yes, you must've forgotten about white privilege. And has it ever crossed 'The Invisible Man's' mind that perhaps the black ladies in the office of professional development don't treat black kids better, that they just don't like him? The assholeness of this person is pretty striking and I only got to read this email. I bet in real life I would hate him too. But then he would complain about women getting treated better than men........
If he needs to see a white man lawyer, I suggest he look for some in congress, in the yellow pages, on TV, on billboards.....shit, most of his classes are probably filled with white dudes on their way to becoming lawyers.
And why did this have to come from Indiana? Man, it seems like every day I have another reason to feel like an asshole for living in this state.
Can we just assume this was a white dude? I can't imagine who else would complain about 3 pictures of black dudes being 'unwelcoming"....except maybe an 85 yr old white woman who grew up in the Jim Crow south.Dear Students and Colleagues,
There is a situation of concern to me which affects us all. There are three giant banners depicting African-American males in the law school atrium. This is not welcoming to other minorities or whites. The images do not offer an accurate depiction of the school.
These banners are not a fair representation of the school. We should support diversity, not just African-American males.
The saying at the top of each sign says "Here we protect equality; Here we advocate for justice; Here we educate leaders; Here we create lifelong connections." Another photo could be added which says "Here we ignore all cultures except for a few."
I wonder what the recently filmed video shot in the atrium will say about our school?
The portraits and paintings in the law school sing the same song. It is a shame that the only place many groups see representation at the law school is with their reflection in the bathroom mirrors.
Is it perception, or reality that since the Office of Professional Development (OPD) has been run for the last few years by African American females that people of similar ethnicity are afforded greater assistance and the best opportunities to succeed? It is a pervasive opinion that the OPD offers more assistance to members of certain groups. Is this how our institution is to be regarded?
In Bloomington the OPD is highly regarded as a very helpful partner to all students, it would be nice if IU Indianapolis could somehow gain a similar reputation.
These concerns are shared by many, although few including this author are bold enough to raise a voice for fear of repercussion that may prevent someone from walking across the stage. Instead this anonymous email is submitted not to elicit a verbal response nor for lip service but rather by actions of the IU Law School in Indianapolis. As my peers and I proceed in our legal careers it would be great for IU Indianapolis to become better known and better recognized as a diverse and fair law school.
This appeal goes to all administrators, teachers, and students, please consider these words.
The Invisible Man
This kid is a douche bag, of the highest order. The Office of Professional Development treats black kids better?.........Um, how about the whole world treats your ass better for being lilly white? Oh, yes, you must've forgotten about white privilege. And has it ever crossed 'The Invisible Man's' mind that perhaps the black ladies in the office of professional development don't treat black kids better, that they just don't like him? The assholeness of this person is pretty striking and I only got to read this email. I bet in real life I would hate him too. But then he would complain about women getting treated better than men........
If he needs to see a white man lawyer, I suggest he look for some in congress, in the yellow pages, on TV, on billboards.....shit, most of his classes are probably filled with white dudes on their way to becoming lawyers.
And why did this have to come from Indiana? Man, it seems like every day I have another reason to feel like an asshole for living in this state.
Interrupters....they are some sort of mechanical part and a brand of persons.
We ALL know some (I know 2 people in particular who need to be fucking slapped for doing this). You are in a small group, one person is talking. The interrupter decides to try to start a different convo with someone else by loudly talking over the person who was initially talking.
How about when you are talking and the interrupter has to be like-no, wait, stop (this continues until you give up talking), that reminds me of this one time..........
Or the interrupter just straight up talks over you, ignoring what you were saying, railroading you until you shut up.
I get it that everyone wants to have their 2 cents thrown out there. I know that people have the need to share stories and thoughts and ideas. But these interrupters have this inflated sense of importance to them, what they are saying is more important than what you were saying. I've generally found that these people also suck at listening. And they are some self centered mother fuckers.
Everyone deserves their chance to talk and be listened to. So, the next time someone is talking-shut the fuck up and let them finish. Cause when you are constantly interrupting, people will start disliking you. Chances are that as you find what they are saying worthless enough to interrupt, they will also find what you are saying worthless. Plus, they will just be thinking about how big of a douche bag you are for always running your god damn mouth.
We ALL know some (I know 2 people in particular who need to be fucking slapped for doing this). You are in a small group, one person is talking. The interrupter decides to try to start a different convo with someone else by loudly talking over the person who was initially talking.
How about when you are talking and the interrupter has to be like-no, wait, stop (this continues until you give up talking), that reminds me of this one time..........
Or the interrupter just straight up talks over you, ignoring what you were saying, railroading you until you shut up.
I get it that everyone wants to have their 2 cents thrown out there. I know that people have the need to share stories and thoughts and ideas. But these interrupters have this inflated sense of importance to them, what they are saying is more important than what you were saying. I've generally found that these people also suck at listening. And they are some self centered mother fuckers.
Everyone deserves their chance to talk and be listened to. So, the next time someone is talking-shut the fuck up and let them finish. Cause when you are constantly interrupting, people will start disliking you. Chances are that as you find what they are saying worthless enough to interrupt, they will also find what you are saying worthless. Plus, they will just be thinking about how big of a douche bag you are for always running your god damn mouth.
Zip it!
The Tea Party and Racism
Tea partiers HATE to be called racist. They insist that they never inject race into the debate and, in fact, some have told me that it is the liberals who play the race card. But, I've always had the sneaking suspicion that some of the umph in the Tea Party is driven by old fashion racism. They can not stand to see a black man in the White House, especially one with a funny name.
Then I saw this:
Suspicions confirmed. Sure, this was contained in an email sent out by a small time Tea Bagger who sits on the Republican Party central committee in Orange County, but this is not the first example (Here, Here and Here).
It's no longer kosher to announce your racism in the media, but this thinly veiled (or not so much) BS is just what the Dr. order for these Tea Partiers. You can be racist, while simultaneously claiming not to be racist. But, COME ON.....a white President would not have people bitching for years about his birth certificate and where he was born. But, because he is black and has a funny name and because they will do ANYTHING to try to delegitimize him, President Barack Obama faces these false accusations to this day. Racism-alive and well.
The Republican official who forwarded the email issued the following apology:
To my fellow Americans and to everyone else who has seen this email I forwarded and was offended by my action, I humbly apologize and ask for your forgiveness of my unwise behavior. I say unwise because at the time I received and forwarded the email, I didn't stop to think about the historic implications and other examples of how this could be offensive.
She still refuses to resign.
Then I saw this:
Suspicions confirmed. Sure, this was contained in an email sent out by a small time Tea Bagger who sits on the Republican Party central committee in Orange County, but this is not the first example (Here, Here and Here).
It's no longer kosher to announce your racism in the media, but this thinly veiled (or not so much) BS is just what the Dr. order for these Tea Partiers. You can be racist, while simultaneously claiming not to be racist. But, COME ON.....a white President would not have people bitching for years about his birth certificate and where he was born. But, because he is black and has a funny name and because they will do ANYTHING to try to delegitimize him, President Barack Obama faces these false accusations to this day. Racism-alive and well.
The Republican official who forwarded the email issued the following apology:
To my fellow Americans and to everyone else who has seen this email I forwarded and was offended by my action, I humbly apologize and ask for your forgiveness of my unwise behavior. I say unwise because at the time I received and forwarded the email, I didn't stop to think about the historic implications and other examples of how this could be offensive.
She still refuses to resign.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Lil wayne and Skylar Diggins

And Lil Wayne has a crush on her. He tweeted to her before the Lady Irish's upset victory over UConn:
“Good lukk to my wife Skylar Diggins and the Fighting Irish.” to which she replied “@LilTunechi Haha thanks Wayne! Mmmuah to my husband”
They have been Twitter flirting back and forth ever since. For his concert in Bloomington last week during Little 500, he was sporting a Skylar Diggins jersey.
Can you imagine being 20 years old and all of a sudden the whole country is paying attention to you and Lil Wayne is hitting on you? I think the thing that impresses me most is that we graduated from the same high school in South Bend, IN. A girl who went to my high school has Lil Wayne tryna holler at her over twitter. Awesome.
It is worth it to note that Chris Brown tried to tweet her too, saying:
Skylar Diggins … She’s a cutie @skydigg4 congrats beautiful. Skylar’s reply: Awww thanks for the love Chris!Ugh, I draw the line here. Really, I hope she doesn't end up canoodling with either. Chris for obvious reasons and Lil Wayne-well, because, it seems he gets ladies pregnant just by standing too close.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Being 26 at Lil 5, but I am doing it anyway
Sorry for the sparse blogging. I am getting ready to go to Lil 500. Wish me luck!
Here are a few photos of Lil 5's past:
Have a spectacular weekend!
Here are a few photos of Lil 5's past:
Have a spectacular weekend!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Negative Mantras
You know you can fuck yourself up with what you tell yourself, right? Your own thoughts have a lot more power than you may think (ha!).
I always need to remind myself not to be too hard on me. Although, it is usually not until I have given myself a thorough mental beat down that ends with me curled into a tiny ball, crying.
For reals though, be nice to yourself.
I always need to remind myself not to be too hard on me. Although, it is usually not until I have given myself a thorough mental beat down that ends with me curled into a tiny ball, crying.
For reals though, be nice to yourself.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Applebee's Serves Alcohol to a 15 Month Old
An Applebee's outside of Detroit mistakenly served a margarita instead of apple juice to a toddler. Don't ask me how those 2 get mixed up, but I bet someone was hhiiiiigggghhhhh and pouring drinks. The most hilarious part is the way the mother described her son's behavior after he drank his "apple juice":
Update: Pretty much the same thing happened at an Olive Garden too. Only replace margarita with sangria. It's a drunk baby epidemic!
His mom told WDIV-TV that she only realized something was wrong when Dominick "kind of laid his head on the table and dozed off a little bit and woke up and got real happy.'' The little boy reportedly began hailing strangers, too.Isn't it comforting to know that from 15 months to 75, we are all the same kinds of drunks? I drunkenly hail strangers too!
Update: Pretty much the same thing happened at an Olive Garden too. Only replace margarita with sangria. It's a drunk baby epidemic!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Ridiculously Awesome Quote - President Obama
President Obama and I have some differences, but today he said some things I liked. Including:
Think about it. In the last decade, the average income of the bottom 90% of all working Americans actually declined. The top 1% saw their income rise by an average of more than a quarter of a million dollars each. And that’s who needs to pay less taxes? They want to give people like me a two hundred thousand dollar tax cut that’s paid for by asking thirty three seniors to each pay six thousand dollars more in health costs? That’s not right, and it’s not going to happen as long as I’m President.Thank you sir, for pointing that out. Thank you. Too bad you are black or else those crazy, mislead, white, poor and RACIST voters may get on your side. Cause sometimes you are fighting for the middle and lower class. It blows my mind how many uneducated people vote against themselves because the right has conned them into it.
Indiana has Always Been Crazy
This is kind of funny. The part of me that despises math is like-this would've been awesome. And part of me appreciates that it is 3.14159......and so on. It is what makes Pi cool. Go figure IN would wanna ruin that!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
GQ (Today at least)
A reader sent a question to GQ asking:
Has Chris Brown ever been on the GQ cover? and if not when will he be?
The GQ response?
Might be a while. It is Gentlemen’s Quarterly, after all, not Ironically-Named-Magazine-That-Knowingly-Puts-Domestic-Abusers-On-It’s-Cover Quarterly
Now that it is getting publicity (the question was posted in December of last year), we can pretty much guarantee Chris Brown will never be on the cover, unless they want to be the center of a public backlash...
Has Chris Brown ever been on the GQ cover? and if not when will he be?
The GQ response?
Might be a while. It is Gentlemen’s Quarterly, after all, not Ironically-Named-Magazine-That-Knowingly-Puts-Domestic-Abusers-On-It’s-Cover Quarterly
Now that it is getting publicity (the question was posted in December of last year), we can pretty much guarantee Chris Brown will never be on the cover, unless they want to be the center of a public backlash...
Monday, April 11, 2011
Photoshopping Models and the Female Body Image
Do you think you are fat? Chances are you do. I think I am a little fat. I bet you can pick out any 10 ladies on the street and a majority will reveal to you that they think of themselves as overweight. Granted, some of these people may be, but sometimes bitches that are like a size 2 think they are fat. Now, you may want to punch them in their skinny stomach for that, but what it is about our culture that makes even thin women feel like they are overweight?
Probably fucking photoshop.
Photoshop to fix up pictures, make already rail thin women look even thinner and perfect every contour of a model's body. I knew it was happening, but somehow when I saw the cover of a Cosmo or an Elle that thought didn't enter my head. I don't know enough about Photoshop and apparently, I am just not observant enough to catch when it is being used. All I could think of was-I am so fucking fat and will never look like that.
Take heart ladies! I found a website called Photoshop Disasters (Click Here). It finds funny or obvious Photoshop fails. Not surprisingly, most Photoshopping is done on female models. Although these ladies are still pretty skinny in real life, it is nice to have examples of how these images in the media have been doctored up until it becomes impossible for ANY woman to look like that.
A few of my favs:
Did you lose weight? In the same picture? Apparently Ann Taylor posted the original and photoshopped version of this pic on their website. Way to go! Like this lady needed to be any thinner!
Um, what happened to your shoulder? Shark attack? Do you even have an armpit? Craziness.....
The website is probably most interesting for individuals who are photographers, but I still think it is worth it for EVERYONE to take a glance. It made me feel better about NOT looking like ladies in magazines and it is fun to see if you have an eye for catching these things. It's harder than you think!
Probably fucking photoshop.
Photoshop to fix up pictures, make already rail thin women look even thinner and perfect every contour of a model's body. I knew it was happening, but somehow when I saw the cover of a Cosmo or an Elle that thought didn't enter my head. I don't know enough about Photoshop and apparently, I am just not observant enough to catch when it is being used. All I could think of was-I am so fucking fat and will never look like that.
Take heart ladies! I found a website called Photoshop Disasters (Click Here). It finds funny or obvious Photoshop fails. Not surprisingly, most Photoshopping is done on female models. Although these ladies are still pretty skinny in real life, it is nice to have examples of how these images in the media have been doctored up until it becomes impossible for ANY woman to look like that.
A few of my favs:
Did you lose weight? In the same picture? Apparently Ann Taylor posted the original and photoshopped version of this pic on their website. Way to go! Like this lady needed to be any thinner!
Um, what happened to your shoulder? Shark attack? Do you even have an armpit? Craziness.....
The website is probably most interesting for individuals who are photographers, but I still think it is worth it for EVERYONE to take a glance. It made me feel better about NOT looking like ladies in magazines and it is fun to see if you have an eye for catching these things. It's harder than you think!
Republicans vs. Women's Health Care
Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN, Muncie and Anderson folks are bat shit to vote for this guy) said on Sunday that he may not vote for the spending deal since it does not include defunding Planned Parenthood. The main battle cry on the right has been that Planned Parenthood preforms abortions and should not receive Federal funds. Sen. Jon Kyl went so far as to say that 90% of Planned Parenthood's business was abortion. His office later released this statement "[Senator Jon Kyl's] remark was not intended to be a factual statement,
but rather to illustrate that Planned Parenthood, an organization that
receives millions of dollars in taxpayer funding, does subsidize
abortions." Lying is ok, huh? Well, I guess it is good they released that statement since here is what Planned Parenthood's business actually is:
I guess these Republicans prefer to ignore that there is already a law in place preventing any federal dollars from being spent on abortions. When they talk about pulling federal funds for Planned Parenthood the aim is to reduce availability of services like contraception, STD testing and treatment and cancer screenings and prevention (which, as seen above, make up the bulk of Planned Parenthood spending) and this will effect the poorest in our society, for whom Planned Parenthood may be their ONLY source of affordable healthcare.
So, it isn't about protecting fetuses, it is about making it more difficult for women to have access to basic reproductive healthcare. Anyone who doesn't think that a lot of the politicians on the right are He-Man Woman Haters (to steal a phrase from Little Rascals) needs to put down the pipe. For real. Or pick one up if you aren't smoking, cause your mind ain't right.
Don't even get me started on how crazy it is that some Republicans were/are willing to let government shut down over riders in the spending bill based on ideological beliefs. That does not show seriousness about the state of the economy..........
I guess these Republicans prefer to ignore that there is already a law in place preventing any federal dollars from being spent on abortions. When they talk about pulling federal funds for Planned Parenthood the aim is to reduce availability of services like contraception, STD testing and treatment and cancer screenings and prevention (which, as seen above, make up the bulk of Planned Parenthood spending) and this will effect the poorest in our society, for whom Planned Parenthood may be their ONLY source of affordable healthcare.
So, it isn't about protecting fetuses, it is about making it more difficult for women to have access to basic reproductive healthcare. Anyone who doesn't think that a lot of the politicians on the right are He-Man Woman Haters (to steal a phrase from Little Rascals) needs to put down the pipe. For real. Or pick one up if you aren't smoking, cause your mind ain't right.
Don't even get me started on how crazy it is that some Republicans were/are willing to let government shut down over riders in the spending bill based on ideological beliefs. That does not show seriousness about the state of the economy..........
$38.5 Billion in what?
Is anyone else frustrated that they can't seem to find a good news article or list of all the cuts included in this $38.5 billion? I am really fucking frustrated.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Ideology vs. Fact and the anti President Obama Agenda on the Right
I was having a spirited Facebook discussion regarding politics today with a person of the Tea Party persuasion. The discussion was broad and one topic was Libya. I asserted that the US has turned handling of the situation over to NATO, which, while pretty heavily influenced by the US, still is a multination organization. The US is not solely responsible for the military action there, like, say, in Iraq. The response:
Game, set, match.
Was the fact ignored or did the person just not know it? Who knows....It seems to me though, that lately, much of the agenda and talking points for the Right can be boiled down to this-Do and believe and say the opposite of what President Obama's administration does and says. I can bet that this person would probably be screaming about Mr. Obama not protecting US interests abroad had he not intervened in Libya. Oh and some GOP leaders were actually pissed when the US relinquished control to NATO. You can't make these people happy. They willfully ignore facts to try and undermine and demonize the President.
I admit, the vitriol in politics is staggering and existed long before President Obama. But, I get the distinct impression that the politicians on the right, made up almost entirely by white individuals, are more vicious with this President because he is black. I forever get the impression that they want to call him boy or that the N word is on the tip of their tongues. They go out of their way, right down to outright lying, to try to make this President appear unintelligent and ill equipped to lead because they can not stand that there is a black man sitting in the oval office.
In my reading on the subject of racism, I've often read that one of the most frustrating things for African Americans and all minorities regarding modern racism is the inability or refusal of white society to recognize white privilege. It seems to me that while some may argue that the GOP reaction to President Obama has more to do with his policies than his race, that it actually has everything to do with his race. And those of us who have never experienced racism may have a handicap in recognizing when we ourselves are being racist. That is being positive though, I truly believe that a lot of those white men running the show on the right are racist and misogynist.
Anyway, my sparing partner quit the match with a comment about going to read Atlas Shrugged....don't even get me started on the stupidity of comparing the antigovernment and consumerism of main character John Gault to Tea Partiers. These peoples us crazy.
Theresa, you are still ignoring the fact that Obama made the decision to go to war without congressional approval... Only Congress has the authority to declare war. Bombing another country is war no matter how you look at it.Prove that another President dropped bombs without Congressional Approval. I don't think you can.So, I got to thinking. What about President Clinton and Kosovo? George Bush and Somalia? It has actually happened quite a few times. Read about it in a recent New York Times article here.
Game, set, match.
Was the fact ignored or did the person just not know it? Who knows....It seems to me though, that lately, much of the agenda and talking points for the Right can be boiled down to this-Do and believe and say the opposite of what President Obama's administration does and says. I can bet that this person would probably be screaming about Mr. Obama not protecting US interests abroad had he not intervened in Libya. Oh and some GOP leaders were actually pissed when the US relinquished control to NATO. You can't make these people happy. They willfully ignore facts to try and undermine and demonize the President.
I admit, the vitriol in politics is staggering and existed long before President Obama. But, I get the distinct impression that the politicians on the right, made up almost entirely by white individuals, are more vicious with this President because he is black. I forever get the impression that they want to call him boy or that the N word is on the tip of their tongues. They go out of their way, right down to outright lying, to try to make this President appear unintelligent and ill equipped to lead because they can not stand that there is a black man sitting in the oval office.
In my reading on the subject of racism, I've often read that one of the most frustrating things for African Americans and all minorities regarding modern racism is the inability or refusal of white society to recognize white privilege. It seems to me that while some may argue that the GOP reaction to President Obama has more to do with his policies than his race, that it actually has everything to do with his race. And those of us who have never experienced racism may have a handicap in recognizing when we ourselves are being racist. That is being positive though, I truly believe that a lot of those white men running the show on the right are racist and misogynist.
Anyway, my sparing partner quit the match with a comment about going to read Atlas Shrugged....don't even get me started on the stupidity of comparing the antigovernment and consumerism of main character John Gault to Tea Partiers. These peoples us crazy.
Ridiculously Awesome Advice from Lil Wayne
Happy Friday!
For an extra Yay in your day here is the newest edition of Ridiculously Awesome Advice from Lil Wayne:
"I can see the end in the beginning, so I'm not racin, I'm just sprintin"T.S. Eliot once said "What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from." So, Wayne is on some next level genius shit here.
Lil Wayne - Let the Beat Build
The second half of the statement-"I'm not racin, I'm just sprintin."-suggests that while we should strive to do our best, we should never compare ourselves to others. It isn't a race, it is a sprint. You are all by yourself in this. Making ends to make a beginning.
It's like that Sunscreen song from the 90's. One of the lines is "The race is long and in the end it is only with yourself." Who knew Lil Wayne was so influenced by Baz Luhrmann? I did and you heard it here first.
Take Weezy Fucking Baby's advice. This man looks HAPPY ----->
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Ridiculously Awesome - Lonnie Loosie
South Bend, Indiana is my home town. I haunted the west side and one of the things I particularly enjoyed was hitting up a gas station or store and buying a loosie aka a single cigarette. When I moved to Bloomington in 2004 I was disappointed to find that there was not a place to purchase a loosie.
I was opining this fact to a friend who worked at a gas station when he yelled "Theresa, that is illegal!" Oh....never would've known that on the west side of South Bend. I hope gas stations there still sell them. Or at least the Munchie Mart.
So, imagine the pleasant surprise I received when I found a New York Times article (Click Here) about a man named Lonnie Loosie, who stands on the streets of New York City and sells single cigarettes. He sells as many as 2,000 cigarettes a day.
I know smoking is bad for you. And I know that no one should do it. But the truth of the matter is that in a lot of states (save maybe VA) when revenue is needed, cigarette taxes are hiked. The per pack tax in NYC went up $1.60 last July. That is brutal. Are they increasing taxes on alcohol that rapidly? How about taxing pop and processed foods that make people fat? They aren't or at least not in the same way they are always coming for the ciggies.
Lonnie Loosie is making enough money selling his single cigarettes he may be able to buy health insurance soon.
I was opining this fact to a friend who worked at a gas station when he yelled "Theresa, that is illegal!" Oh....never would've known that on the west side of South Bend. I hope gas stations there still sell them. Or at least the Munchie Mart.
So, imagine the pleasant surprise I received when I found a New York Times article (Click Here) about a man named Lonnie Loosie, who stands on the streets of New York City and sells single cigarettes. He sells as many as 2,000 cigarettes a day.
“The tax went up, and we started selling 10 times as much,” Mr. Warner said. “Bloomberg thinks he’s stopping people from smoking. He’s just turning them onto loosies.”Nice.
I know smoking is bad for you. And I know that no one should do it. But the truth of the matter is that in a lot of states (save maybe VA) when revenue is needed, cigarette taxes are hiked. The per pack tax in NYC went up $1.60 last July. That is brutal. Are they increasing taxes on alcohol that rapidly? How about taxing pop and processed foods that make people fat? They aren't or at least not in the same way they are always coming for the ciggies.
Lonnie Loosie is making enough money selling his single cigarettes he may be able to buy health insurance soon.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
One Person Ruins Facebook Chat for Me
Facebook chat is fun. You never know who out of your friends is going to hit you up and say hi. Especially the times in the day when some people might be drunk. I would LOVE to participate sometimes.
But that has become increasingly hard. I have someone who I swear to god lays in wait to trap me on the Facebook chat. This person is on 24/7. Whether 3am or 3pm, that little green dot appears by this person's name. Each time I see it my first thought is 'ffffuuuccckkkk'. I don't mind anyone talking to me on Facebook chat, the very act of logging onto it suggests you are cool with that. And I wouldn't mind trading pleasantries with this person every now and again. But, for fuck sake, you gotta say hi and force me into awkward conversations EVERY time I log in?
If someone is not your friend in real life, then you probably shouldn't Facebook chat them every chance you get.
But that has become increasingly hard. I have someone who I swear to god lays in wait to trap me on the Facebook chat. This person is on 24/7. Whether 3am or 3pm, that little green dot appears by this person's name. Each time I see it my first thought is 'ffffuuuccckkkk'. I don't mind anyone talking to me on Facebook chat, the very act of logging onto it suggests you are cool with that. And I wouldn't mind trading pleasantries with this person every now and again. But, for fuck sake, you gotta say hi and force me into awkward conversations EVERY time I log in?
If someone is not your friend in real life, then you probably shouldn't Facebook chat them every chance you get.
Republicans Coming for Medicare and Medicaid
There are certain things you can always expect from the right. They will always go after gay people. They will always clamor about abortion. But lately they have been going off the rails on the proverbial crazy train. Their high profile attack on unions, especially in Wisconsin, is a stunning tactic in the run up to the 2012 elections. You aren't exactly winning brownie points with moderates and, well, you are pissing off UNIONS. I don't even have to explain the political clout Unions have.
Now the GOP has unveiled a budget for 2012 that would reduce funding for Medicare and Medicaid. The plan is to privatize Medicare over 10 years so that seniors could buy that coverage after the age of 65, with the government covering up to $15,000 of those premiums.. Medicaid would be turned into a block grant program. I can understand the GOP going after Medicaid, after all, they do take great joy in increasing the suffering of the poor. But, going after Medicare? During the healthcare debate the Republicans staunchly defended any perceived cuts the legislation made on Medicare. Examples:
I applaud it. Really, I do. Keep on doing crazy shit like pissing off unions and old people. Between that and the breathtakingly bat shit crazy folks pondering runs for President on the Republican side, I think the Democrats may be kind of safe. Or at least may avoid a bloodbath similar to 2010.
Now the GOP has unveiled a budget for 2012 that would reduce funding for Medicare and Medicaid. The plan is to privatize Medicare over 10 years so that seniors could buy that coverage after the age of 65, with the government covering up to $15,000 of those premiums.. Medicaid would be turned into a block grant program. I can understand the GOP going after Medicaid, after all, they do take great joy in increasing the suffering of the poor. But, going after Medicare? During the healthcare debate the Republicans staunchly defended any perceived cuts the legislation made on Medicare. Examples:
"We need to strengthen Medicare and preserve it for today's seniors and future generations, not slash it," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said on the Senate floor in October 2009
House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), then the minority leader, said in September 2009 that the Democrats' "health care bill would cut seniors’ Medicare benefits by $500 billion."
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), then the minority whip, wrote in a December 2009 op-ed, "The huge cuts in Medicare, massive new entitlements and increasing pressure to stop escalating costs would eventually require the rationing of care."Just to name a few. Now, just a year and a half later, those same Republicans have come out strongly in favor of a budget for 2012 that would destroy the Medicare program as we know it. Examples:
"Chairman Ryan and the members of the Budget Committee have done an excellent job putting together a budget worthy of the American people," said House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH). "I hope every American concerned about our country’s future will take a look at it."
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) chimed in: "Our vision is reflected in this fact-based budget for America's future. House Republicans will lead where the President has failed by reducing spending and addressing the biggest drivers of our debt, our insolvent entitlement programs.Contradictions from their own mouths. Is anyone still taking these people seriously?
I applaud it. Really, I do. Keep on doing crazy shit like pissing off unions and old people. Between that and the breathtakingly bat shit crazy folks pondering runs for President on the Republican side, I think the Democrats may be kind of safe. Or at least may avoid a bloodbath similar to 2010.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Ridiculously Funny - Darth Vader dancing
I love Star Wars. Just watched A New Hope this morning. This video cracks me up.
Ridiculously Awesome Dance Party - Lil Wayne
Lil Wayne - Receipt
Today I have been missing my littlest sister, Maureen. When we get too tipsy, we often listen to this song, not just once, but twice in a row.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Ridiculously Awesome Saturday
Cleaned the whole crib
Discovered my home grown herbs started growing
Crimped my hair
Reassembled my decoupaged shelves
Made amazing salsa
Watched a lot of the funniest show ever: Trailer Park Boys
Modified a shirt to make it way better
Butler bests VCU 70-62 to advance to the national title game!!!!! I <3 Mack!
Lovely day.
Ridiculously Awesome Dance Party - Lupe Fiasco
Friday, April 1, 2011
Ridiculously Awesome Quote
With regards to HB1210 right here in Indiana:
Before I birth my half dozen spite babies? I’m going to abort one and then say it raped me.Yeah, that’s right. I was raped from the inside by a fetus.Click Here for the full post. The woman writes as Angry Black Lady. That is how you know it will be good.
It’s no more ridiculous than the rest of the shit the Republicans are throwing in our faces.
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