Saturday, September 22, 2012

Too White

Some people are too white. Yes, it is possible.

Today at work we were discussing famous people from Indiana. They got all the obvious ones (Read: white or the Jacksons). So I said-Vivica Foxx is from South Bend. To which someone responded - who is Vivica Foxx? They didn't know who Mike Epps was either.

And it isn't just like a lack of pop culture with these ladies. While discussing the show the Wire with them they admitted they had to rewatch some episodes because they couldn't understand what the characters were saying...most of whom are black. I mean, I am not young and hip any more so sometimes the new slang in rap has to be researched on Urban But I understood every word Stringer and Marlo and Brody said on the Wire. Because they were speaking English.

But man, it is everywhere. I went with a group downtown for Super Bowl. We rode the bus and....there were black people there. Some of these white chicks lose their shit around black people. They get louder and dumber- as if to prove they aren't uncomfortable while simultaneously proving they are uncomfortable.  The black people my little sister and I were standing by were making sooooo much fun of these chicks for being stereotypical stupid white girls. I was embarrassed to disembark the IndyGo with them.

I know what you are thinking - T, how can you make these judgements? I am LILLY FUCKING WHITE. Like, my little sister rode horses and we lived in the country and I do douchy things like yoga and getting organic produce delivered to my home. However, I still manage to understand what black people are saying. And, you know, the classic white person line - I have black friends.

I gotta think about these chicks though. They probably grew up in neighborhoods without black people in them. They went to schools that probably had like 3 black kids in them. They probably went off to college and joined a Greek that was full of more white people and then accepted a job somewhere that had like one or two token minorities. I guess that really isn't their fault.

It just is like being stabbed in the head to hear them talk.

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