Thursday, September 8, 2011

Debate THIS

I'm not gonna lie-I fell asleep before the end of the debate. So, I am like epic fail with any grand insight into the candidates. It was pretty much Rick Perry and Mitt Romney going back and forth the entire time, with little time devoted to the other candidates. Herman Cain was entertaining and simple as always-giving his 9 9 9 tax plan. 9% tax on income, 9% national sales tax and 9% something else (see how closely I was paying attention?). Here is the kicker though, Herman Cain said if 10% is good enough for God (ya'll know about tithing) then 9% was good enough for America. DAMN. Rick Perry stayed on his stump speech meme about social security being a ponzi scheme. He seemed uncomfortable at first and then hit a stride. He wore down by the end, joking that he felt like a pinata. Jon Huntsman is pleasantly sane, much too much so to win the nomination.

Is anyone else sad there wasn't more Michele Bachman? I am. But Rick Perry is her Tea Party equal and at the end of the day that base would much rather vote for a man than a woman. At one point during the debate my friend and I started discussing Michele Bachman's crazy eyes and whether or not she wore contacts. We stopped for a moment and my friend said "We are being so sexist right now. We didn't do that to the male candidates." Oh but I had. I had already noted who I thought had fake tans, that I thought Jon Huntsman dyed his hair to look all salt and pepper distinguished and that Newt Gingerich had the thickest hair on stage. Looks count people, we can stop pretending like they don't!

Some people should totally quit, but all of them are just so entertaining. Do you really want to lose Herman Cain? With his simple plans and lists and one page bills? Isn't the sassy indignation of Newt that he isn't winning just the best? NO ONE WANTS TO LOSE MICHELE BACHMAN. And Ron Paul.....he looks like Magneto.

Now to wait for the next debate on Sept 12 and the 14th and the 22nd. Enjoy September.

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