Friday, December 16, 2011

Rick Perry Will Tebow America

You read that right. Last night's debate was the last between the Republican candidates until the Iowa caucuses come just after the holidays. Rick Perry was on fire. Check his opener out:
I'm kind of getting where I like the debates. As a matter of fact, I hope Obama and I debate a lot. I'll get there early. We will get it on, and we will talk about our differences, which are great. I'll talk about what we have done in the state of Texas and talk about passing a balanced budget amendment to the United States Congress. I'll talk about having the type of part-time Congress that I think Americans are ready for.
You know, there are a lot of people out there -- I understand it. There are a lot of folks that said Tim Tebow wasn't going to be a very good NFL quarterback. There are people that stood up and said well, he doesn't have the right throwing mechanisms, or he doesn't -- you know, he is not playing the game right. You know, he won two national championships, and that looked pretty good.
We're the national champions in job creation back in Texas. But am i ready for the next level? Let me tell you -- I hope I am the Tim Tebow of the Iowa caucuses.
Oh Rick, you had me at Tebow.  This was, by far, the Governor's best debate appearance.

Bachmann had Newt on the run when she brought up his $1.6 million paycheck from Freddie Mac. Newt (I affectionately refer to him as Newty) repeated that Ms. Bachmann did not have her facts straight and that he did no lobbying for Freddie Mac. I honestly expected more attacks on Newt. But, these never materialized. Bachmann, sort of. Santorum made a subtle dig about having a political AND personal past that was in line with conservative ideals, an obvious, but not direct jab at Gingrich's multiple marriages.

Romney just keeps on pushing. Trying to remain above the fray and emerge as the candidate, however much the right actually hates him. Republicans hate Gingrich more.

My cousin described Ron Paul as the grandpa muttering to himself on a park bench. That is all you need to know. Apparently he got after Bachmann for tellin fibs about the Iranian nuclear capability. Other than that, yawnsies.

Why did John Huntsman even come to Iowa? His only hope is to surprise in New Hampshire, with the very conservative Iowans unwilling to support him. Guess he just doesn't want us to forget his face.

I miss Herman Cain.

RICK PERRY WILL TIM TEBOW US BACK TO ECONOMIC AND MORAL STRENGTH. That is really what you needed to know from the debate.

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