Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Sad, sad headline on today:

Marriage amendment clears first of 3 steps

Indiana has taken the first of three steps to ban gay marriage and anything like it (civil unions).

My favorite in defense of quote:

"Every child deserves a shot at a mom and a dad," said Micah Clark of the American Family Association of Indiana. "We believe children will suffer if we define marriage as either being two men or two women and not a mom and a dad."
What the fuck? How? How do they suffer? Not only is it insulting to families headed by a homosexual couple, but it is offensive to any of us that grew up in a nontraditional family. I guess I blew my shot when my dad died?  Kids deserve a couple parents or one great parent-no matter if they happen to be a man and a woman or two men or two women or one woman or one man. If it is all about the kids, why wouldn't the legislature focus on initiatives that would help kids out? Cause this law focuses solely on limiting the rights of adults.

Thankfully, it is the first of three steps that must be completed to achieve an all out ban. But, I don't have a lot of faith in Indiana at the moment. It is my sincere hope that the marriage amendment is never codified into law, but I just don't know if I can expect that level of tolerance in  my home state. I find that really sad.

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