Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mantyhose Update-An Empassioned Defense

A comment, posted to my blog, about Mantyhose. I apologize for all you guys out there secretly getting away with wearing your mantyhose.
While not too many guys are going to be wearing the white ones shown in your photo here, there are a lot of guys who have discovered the practical benefits of wearing 'mantyhose'. They're great for keeping your legs energized if you're on your feet all day long, or if you just happen to have poor leg circulation, for instance.

The majority of guys who wear them still wear them under long pants, but there's a growing number who are brave enough to wear them with shorts. Of those, most (like myself) stick to colors that more or leg match skin tone and thus are hardly noticeable to passersby on the street.

Keep an eye out next time you're on a busy street, you might be surprised to notice a few guys wearing them right out there in the open that you might've missed otherwise.
 I'm watching for your mantyhose........and judging you.

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