Tuesday, October 25, 2011

We are leaving Iraq

Found this over at Think Progress and thought it was worth sharing:
8 years, 260 days since Secretary of State Colin Powell presented evidence of Saddam Hussein’s biological weapons program
8 years, 215 days since the March 20, 2003 invasion of Iraq
8 years, 175 days since President George W. Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” speech on the USS Abraham Lincoln
4,479 U.S. military fatalities
30,182 U.S. military injuries
468 contractor fatalities
103,142 – 112,708 documented civilian deaths
2.8 million internally displaced Iraqis
$806 billion in federal funding for the Iraq War through FY2011
$3 – $5 trillion in total economic cost to the United States of the Iraq war according to economist Joseph E. Stiglitz and Linda J. Blimes
$60 billion in U.S. expenditures lost to waste and fraud in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001
0 weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq
Any body else hear John McCain bitching about pulling troops out of Iraq? I was grateful when I heard Secretary of State Hilary Clinton defend the decision of Meet the Press this weekend:
“They should have raised those issues when President Bush agreed to the agreement to withdraw troops by the end of this year,” she said.
BOOM! In case you needed more proof that the GOP agenda the last couple years has been limited to opposing anything the Obama administration does. They must've forgotten that this was a policy approved by the Bush administration. Also, they seem to conveniently  forgotten that the Iraqi parliament approved this plan in 2008. What happened to democracy? From the Los Angeles Times:
Iraq’s Cabinet on Sunday overwhelmingly accepted a plan to end the U.S. military presence in Iraq by the end of 2011 and sent it on to parliament for approval, where it faces a fight from lawmakers who consider it a sellout to the Americans. T[...] The agreement is to replace the United Nations mandate expiring Dec. 31 that gives U.S. forces the legal basis for being in Iraq. [...] The agreement calls for American forces to pull out of Iraqi cities by the end of June and fully withdraw from Iraq by Dec. 31, 2011.
 The article is entitled: 

Iraq Cabinet OKs U.S. exit schedule

So, when it suites them they hate democracy and President Bush? Ooooookkkk.......

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