Wednesday, May 11, 2011

GOP Congressmen and Prayer

So, mother nature is fucking PISSED at the US lately. Rain, floods, fires, drought, tornadoes. And since the GOP knows that this is all God's punishment for America having a black President, some in Congress decided to propose a resolution asking for citizens in the country to pray. In an email circulated by the office of Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas), recipients were asked to co-sponsor H Res 254 cause mother fuckers need to be praying.........An excerpt of the email:
Severe tornadoes and record amounts of flooding in the South, Southeast, and lower Midwest have taken hundreds of lives and caused thousands of injuries. Property damage could reach into the billions of dollars, uprooting entire communities throughout the region. The Southern Plains, lower Mississippi Valley, and Southwest have been experiencing the worst drought conditions in decades, leading to wildfires that have burned more than 2.2 million acres and caused massive losses in agricultural production. These wildfires have resulted in deaths, the destruction of homes and business, and severe financial hardship.
Many communities have been devastated by these disasters, but have maintained a spirit of resiliency, hope, and faith. It is only appropriate that Congress and the American people come together in prayer for the victims of the disasters and their families, and for the fair weather conditions that these regions desperately need.
 Exactly! Why didn't we think of it before?! That's what they need. PRAYERS. In addition to Rep. Neugebauer, Reps. Stevan Pearce (R-N.M.) and Spencer Bachus (R-Ala.) signed the email. All of these guys were in favor of drastically cutting funds available for disaster relief during the budget debate. But that is because they know that money never solved anything or helped anyone. Money won't rebuild houses or put food on the..........wait.
Yea, fuck you GOP. Keep your prayers. Part of believing in a higher power is believing that it gave you free will to move through life as you please, reducing or adding to the evil in the world. Pray all you want, but if you are screwing over the poor and the downtrodden, I doubt your higher power is giving you brownie points for throwing a couple of Hail Marys to the sky. Giving lip service to helping people is not the same as actively working to improve their lives.
Just another example of the Republicans grand plan to fuck over everyone making less than $250,000 a year.
And what ever happened to a separation of church and state?

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