Friday, May 27, 2011

I Want to Date a Deaf Dude

For real.

So, I was at Broad Ripple Bagel Deli, because it is pretty much the greatest place in the world, in walks this group of 10 people. All of them deaf and signing away. I caught one guy's eyes a couple of times and he was CUTE. I flash my flirty smile or whatever and walk out. As I strolled through Broad Ripple, I pondered in whether I would want to date a deaf dude and the answer is hell yes.

I once dated this guy who couldn't hear that well. He has some inner ear issues and had surgeries, whatever. But, sometimes I would be talking to him and become aware that he wasn't hearing any fucking thing I was saying. We avoided a lot of arguments because instead of getting mad because he didn't listen, I reminded myself that he probably just didn't HEAR me. It was great.

But a deaf dude? I would have to learn sign language, but that is small potatoes compared to the joy of knowing if I am trying to communicate something to him, he would have to give me his undivided attention. And imagine how often you want to tell a guy to SHUT THE FUCK UP? That would never be a problem or if it was, I could simply close my eyes. Problem solved. Plus, he would be good with his hands. From the signing. At least, I am assuming this.

So, I will start googling Indianapolis Deaf Groups and see what I come up with.

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