Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ridiculous Realization - I can't date an unhealthy person

I know, I know. You are like, what the fuck T? YOU can't date someone who is unhealthy. YOU who may or may not be addicted to Totinos party pizzas? Ms. Iliketohavesomeciggieswhiledrinkingmyvodka? No, I am not the healthiest person in the world, but I am not unhealthy. I want someone on my level. On that let's do a three mile run just so we can drink beer and not feel bad type of shit. Or the lets buy a box of Cheezits and slam the whole thing in two hours but not every week type stuff.

People get happy fat in relationships all the time. Even people more on the healthy end of the spectrum. I don't need some dude encouraging me to eat out for every meal or to lay around on the couch and eat a ton. I already fight those urges on a daily basis without a partner in crime easing my mind into thinking 'this is ok, even if your ass doesn't fit in your jeans anymore'. Because it isn't ok for me.

Given a little encouragement in that direction, I would be happy to lay on the couch eating massive amounts of junk food and canceling my gym membership.

And is a little exercise too much to ask? Let's be honest-not only are out of shape people more likely to die sooner, but they are worse in bed. Sex is cardio and if you can't handle five minutes of cardio........well, then you probably get out of breath after 4 minutes of sex. Useless to a lady.Useless.

And I am not just talking overweight dudes. I actually prefer a guy who is bigger than me and would never touch skinny jeans. But,  I've met plenty of skinny guys who get out of breath walking up stairs and live off of McDonald's. Unhealthy and I don't want that shit either. I want someone who will encourage me to make positive choices regarding my health. No, I NEED someone who sets a good example. 

Let me be straight: I'm not looking for some 6pack gym rat on a permanent south beach diet. I just want someone who thinks like me. I balance out the myriad of unhealthy things I do with a decent amount of exercise and mostly healthy diet. I want to be equal parts healthy and unhealthy.

The next guy who tells me he goes to the gym solely to work off beer calories will pretty much have my heart, as long as he has a college degree and no kids and a car.............

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