Friday, April 22, 2011

Redneck Fishing

A friend of mine told me about something called redneck fishing. I had to explore further. Here is a description, pulled directly from the Redneck Fishing Tournament website:

"This breed of carp does not belong in these waters. An imported carp to help keep farm ponds clean accidentally got loose. Eventually they wound their way to the Mississippi and into many other tributaries. With few predators they are making a mess of the rivers eating the food that native fish would normally thrive on. The object of the redneck fishing tournament is to haul in as much carp as possible. You don't use a pole... a net will do! You need a good loud john boat and just tool on down the river and catch these flying carp... yup I said FLYING, since these fish jump out of the water because of the noise. A net helps to catch the ones that fail to jump into the boat. I suggest wearing a helmet or hardhat since these things have been known to injure people as the fish leap out of the river."
 In bold letters the site proclaims-fishing poles not allowed, bats and nets ok!

There, check out a CBS news report on the subject.

I have not too much to say about this, except I thought that everyone should know about it. Not only because it is funny, but because we should probably be pretty horrified by how badly we can fuck mother nature with all of our meddling.


  1. Another instance of dumbass human beings justifying killing with something that was our own fault anyyyyywwayayyyyyyy.
