Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Republicans Coming for Medicare and Medicaid

There are certain things you can always expect from the right. They will always go after gay people. They will always clamor about abortion. But lately they have been going off the rails on the proverbial crazy train. Their high profile attack on unions, especially in Wisconsin, is a stunning tactic in the run up to the 2012 elections. You aren't exactly winning brownie points with moderates and, well, you are pissing off UNIONS. I don't even have to explain the political clout Unions have.

Now the GOP has unveiled a budget for 2012 that would reduce funding for Medicare and Medicaid. The plan is to privatize Medicare over 10 years so that seniors could buy that coverage after the age of 65, with the government covering up to $15,000 of those premiums.. Medicaid would be turned into a block grant program. I can understand the GOP going after Medicaid, after all, they do take great joy in increasing the suffering of the poor. But, going after Medicare? During the healthcare debate the Republicans staunchly defended any perceived cuts the legislation made on Medicare. Examples:

"We need to strengthen Medicare and preserve it for today's seniors and future generations, not slash it," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said on the Senate floor in October 2009
House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), then the minority leader, said in September 2009 that the Democrats' "health care bill would cut seniors’ Medicare benefits by $500 billion."
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), then the minority whip, wrote in a December 2009 op-ed, "The huge cuts in Medicare, massive new entitlements and increasing pressure to stop escalating costs would eventually require the rationing of care."
 Just to name a few. Now, just a year and a half later, those same Republicans have come out strongly in favor of a budget for 2012 that would destroy the Medicare program as we know it. Examples:

"Chairman Ryan and the members of the Budget Committee have done an excellent job putting together a budget worthy of the American people," said House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH). "I hope every American concerned about our country’s future will take a look at it."
 House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) chimed in: "Our vision is reflected in this fact-based budget for America's future. House Republicans will lead where the President has failed by reducing spending and addressing the biggest drivers of our debt, our insolvent entitlement programs.
Contradictions from their own mouths. Is anyone still taking these people seriously? 

 I applaud it. Really, I do. Keep on doing crazy shit like pissing off unions and old people. Between that and the breathtakingly bat shit crazy folks pondering runs for President on the Republican side, I think the Democrats may be kind of safe. Or at least may avoid a bloodbath similar to 2010.

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