Thursday, April 28, 2011

I know what you are going to say-we know he is ridiculous, have you heard his music? Yes, I have. And it makes me wanna boom boom pow blow my head off.

It is his comments to Elle during an interview regarding things that women keep at home that have earned him the title of ridiculous. Here goes:
"If she had condoms in her house, that would just fuckin' throw me off. That's just tacky."
Tacky, huh? I always thought of it as being prepared. Owning a box of condoms doesn't make you a slut, any more than owning a gun makes you a murderer. It is the responsible thing to do, to take control of your sexual health and to protect yourself. Making responsible decisions hardly seems tacky to me. But then again, I thought the song My Humps was tacky, so what do I know.

For reals should be more worried if she didn't have condoms. Especially if she was letting him hit that shit raw. I mean, it's 2011, most people have had multiple partners. So, if you don't have to use a condom.....maybe a lot of people haven't had to either......and maybe you get herpes. Condom owning ladies, those are the respectable ones. Fuck you

1 comment:

  1. “Keeping condoms in the house is not the signature behavior of a slut; it is a responsible action taken by a sexually active person. Whether you are in a monogamous relationship, sleeping around all over town or simply open to the possibility of having sex at some point, it’s good to be prepared. Men have been known to keep condoms not simply in their homes, but in their cars and wallets. This isn’t about suggesting that the onus of providing protection should be on the part of the man (or that a couple should purchase all prophylactics together); this is basically saying that women should not be able to make the decision to have sex as casually as men can. And that’s nonsense."
    --Jamilah Lemieux
