Tuesday, March 15, 2011

11 Year Olds Asking For It (Rape)

Click Here for the story I am about to rant about.

An 11 year old girl gets gang raped by 20 men in Texas and the paper printed as part of the story this reaction-
"Maturity or not I'm pretty sure she knew what she was doing," Robin Smith, 24, a cashier in Cleveland, said as she shopped this week.
I'll pause for your stunned silence. 

The "she was asking for it" rape defense is nothing new. She was too drunk, dressed too slutty, had a reputation. All ways to absolve men of culpability for their actions and instead put the onus on women, cause, you know, men can't control themselves so don't "ask for it". While it is disgusting, I am used to hearing people try to defend the violent crime that is rape with "she was asking for it."

But are we really so fucked up as a society that we are going to apply this to children too? Do people really hate women THAT much? I understand the reality that children grow up fast today, but she is ELEVEN. It sickens me that a media outlet would print a "she was asking for it" reaction. What message does that send to our children? To adults who rape children? How far can we go with this? Do we need to quickly cover up 2 year olds who take off their diapers in case some man sees them and rapes them, because their genitals were out so they were asking for it? Fucked up, but that is the line of reasoning presented here.

Let's stop making excuses for individuals who perpetuate violent crimes. Rape is not about sex and it isn't aggravated by anything the VICTIM does. Rape is a violent crime committed by violent and sick in the head people. Fuck you if you are a rapist and fuck you if you are a rapist apologist. No one asks for it.


  1. what the fuck? this is royally fucked up. I'm staggered and can't stop swearing.

  2. People who say "she was asking for it" apparently don't understand that rape isn't a matter of simply getting your rocks off, but of domineering, controlling, asserting authority. It's a way of saying "You can't stop me, and I really fucking like that". It's so fucking beyond self-centered to say shit like "she was a slut, so I'm not surprised she got what she got".

    And seriously, if someone ever hypothetically fucking "asked for rape," I think Webster would revive-the-fuck out of his grave to remind America that that's not fucking rape.
