Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ridiculously Awesome Fun

I wanted to write a long post about homophobia, cause it is fucking stupid, but I lost some brain cells last night. And this still makes my point a little...........

Way to get your child involved. I hope that little boy ends up gay and hating that woman. LOVE-YOU ARE HATING PEOPLE FOR WHO THEY LOVE. That has nothing to do with my higher power.
Fuck people who hate gay people. Nuff said. 

1 comment:

  1. Last night we went to a comedy show, no shitting you the opening joke was, "so many people worry about political correctness. Like, we can't say something is gay when we're trying to explain that it's lame or it sucks." he then went on to talk about how he was still going to say it because it's funny. Everyone started laughing, we were appalled. I may have begun to heckle him. Maybe. Probably.
