Thursday, March 24, 2011

GOP Motherfuckers & Their Obsession With Your Uterus

 One of the articles on HuffPost today:
Anti-Abortion Bills Advance in Statehouses Nationwide

It makes me soooooooooooo mad. I shouldn't have even read the article. It lays out for you what some states are doing to restrict access to abortion. Many states are enacting laws that ban abortions after 20 weeks, in direct conflict with the Roe v Wade Supreme Court ruling, which allows for abortions up to 24 weeks.

The part about the bill that passed the house in Texas to force women to have sonograms and hear a doctor describe the fetus made my blood boil. The fact there is no exemption for rape and victims of incest....leaves me speechless.

Do these people have nothing better to do? I suggest addressing real problems like jobs, poverty, crime, rather than pass laws to essentially victimize and demonize women who seek a LEGAL medical procedure.

To these old, mostly white men, this is a real issue though. Oh my God, women can be not pregnant? Dangerous. I feel like these measures are evidence of the thinly veiled desire to 'keep women in their place'. Pregnant and at home. All of a sudden, women are not people so much as they are uteruses with the potential to produce people. But, you know, after you are actually here, fuck you. Republicans do a great job of protecting people before they are born and a spectacular job of fucking people over after they are born (unless you make a lot of money).

The decision to seek an abortion is a personal choice and it can be driven my a myriad of very personal problems. It is a very real and a very sad thing.

The article made reference to Danielle Deavers, a woman in Nebraska who was denied the option to terminate her pregnancy at 22 weeks when she learned the fetus would not live, because the laws in that state do not allow it. Think Progress posted a video interview with her a couple of weeks ago. It is about 10 minutes, but I think it is really worth a watch. These kind of laws effect and hurt people in a very real way. The government should in no way be involved in such heart wrenching decisions.

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