Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ridiculously Hypocritical

The Republicans have been extra vocal lately on the need to scale back government spending to get the deficit under control. Defund Planned Parenthood, defund NPR, defund childhood nutritional programs (WIC) and no more subsidies for heating the homes of the poor.........these are all things, that according to Republicans, most especially the Tea Partiers, are unnecessary for the Federal government to fund and are adding to a ballooning deficit.
I have my own opinions on the funding of those programs, but-agree to disagree.
What KILLS me is that the same elements in this country who are championing the scaling back of these programs in the name of deficit reduction are the same people who are supporting military action in Libya. In a CNN poll released March 18 (Click here):
73 percent of Tea Partiers and 78 percent of Republicans support the NFZ (no fly zone) -- they're by far the biggest supporters of the strategy.
Where is the GOP freak out over the money that it will cost the US to help the UN maintain a no fly zone in Libya? Why is it okay to spend money to protect citizens in other countries but it is blasphemy to spend that same money on US citizens? To be clear, I agree with working with the national community to protect the citizens in Libya from forces loyal to Gaddafi, but I am not part of the element screeching over the deficit and the need to defund vital programs.
What pisses me off is the hypocrisy. It's alright to spend American dollars on military action in other countries, but not on programs that support our citizens here at home? It just boggles the mind.
It's the same when these holy rollers on the right get caught trolling craiglist for an affair, looking for prostitutes in men's restrooms or hitting on underage pages. It is extra infuriating when people who preach about morality so vehemently, get caught violating their own standards.
Crazy man, crazy.
Woman's cancer screenings, heating old people's homes, quality public access television & radio=Bad!
Tomahawk Missiles to bomb targets in Libya (killing a few civilians)=A-Okay!
Your priorities are showing.....

{Correction} Cutting the budget for subsidies for heating homes was actually an Obama administration idea. My bad, my bad. See, they ALL hate you.

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