Monday, March 21, 2011

Ridiculously Depressing

Some days, I just feel really sad. With my car breaking down, a cold settling in my chest and a feeling of generally being lost, I got into my car today after work and cried. A lot. I couldn't even tell you exactly why, none of this was new. It's almost worse to cry and not know why. It makes you feel like even more of an asshole-you don't even have a reason, so why?

I try to keep it in perspective. I try to remind myself of people who have it much worse or have what I deem a better reason to shed tears. But, sometimes I have to let myself feel sad too.

So I did. I let myself cry over the massive amounts of money I've dumped into my car over the last 6 months and how much more I will have to in the next weeks. I cried over loving where I work, but hating what I do there. I cried over not being in grad school and not knowing what to do. I cried over the feeling of being talentless. I cried because I am tired. I cried because it seems like everyone is in love and getting married and having babies and looking at houses and I still can hardly even get a mother fucker to take me on a proper date. I cried over the small stresses in life. I cried over the larger sense that things are not going how I thought they would. I cried for the overwhelming feeling of being 26, single, prospectless and still not knowing what I want to be when I grow up, despite the fact I'm grown.

Anyway, I had to let it all out. And make a mix drink.

1 comment:

  1. feel better, boo. I miss you. Call me any time and I promise to talk less.
