Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Heart Attack Grill

This is a real restaurant. Its menu features items such as the quadruple bypass burger and flatliner fries. All served by scantily clad waitresses dressed as nurses.

And the restaurant goes all out in glorifying all things unhealthy. It serves beer, soda and will sell you cigarettes. All patrons over 350lbs eat for free, which is tagged as the Heart Attack Grill Diet. They even had a 600lbs man who served as a spokesman for the establishment, until he died at the age of 29.

Discriminating against individuals who are overweight is one of the commonest and most acceptable forms of discrimination in our society. Most who don't have to deal with it don't even think twice about the way that plus sized people are treated in our society.

This restaurant is a response to that, embracing a physical trait that in other venues may be looked down upon. When society ostracizes you based on something like weight, the reaction is often times defiance, answering society with the proverbial fuck you. 

I get that, I really do. But I can't get behind an attitude that can kill you. Something like 2 out of 3 people in our country are overweight or obese. They had to change the name of adult onset diabetes to type 2 diabetes because so many young kids were being diagnosed with it as a result of poor diet and lack of exercise. Being overweight makes you much more susceptible to not only diabetes but to heart disease and cancer. And it can kill you, like the spokesman for The Heart Attack Grill, at the age of 29.

Just some things to ponder-Maybe eat a little healthier and be more conscious of your fat discrimination. Or do both......yea, do both.

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