Thursday, March 24, 2011

George Lopez

I'm not a huge fan. Apparently he is funny. I don't know.

But on his show last night he made a joke about Kirsti Alley and a dance she performed on Dancing with the Stars that I really did not like:
"She did a nice job, her little hooves tapping away," Lopez said, comparing Alley to a pig. "Before the show she went to the market, then she had roast beef, and this is her going all the way home," he continued before cutting to a video of a pig squealing, from a recent Geico commercial.
From what I understand, she preformed a pretty amazing cha cha. But, that was all ignored to make a joke about her weight.

Women are constantly being reduced to their physical appearance. In the minds of some people, women are not worth more than their looks, like, you don't matter if you don't fit into some ever changing standard of beauty. Why is that so easy? So acceptable? To the point where all women struggle to be at peace with the way that they look? Either you are not the beauty ideal we worship and you want to be or you are that ideal and fear no one values you beyond how pretty you are.

I know, it was a joke. And I can take a joke. But, when I was growing up, my mom taught me that certain insults were "below the belt" and making fat jokes about someone struggling with their weight was below the belt. Obviously George Lopez's mom is not as awesome.

Fuck you George Lopez.

He apologized....on Twitter....on air would've been better. 

1 comment:

  1. George Lopez has never succeeded at humor. That's how he got his break.
