Monday, March 21, 2011

Baby High Heels

This is a cute picture. A baby, clearly emulating what they have seen an adult do, slide on some high heels. It's like babies and too big sunglasses or hats, it is funny because it is something clearly for adults on a child.

Or so we thought. Check out this link for Heelarious, a site that sells high heels for babies or 'her first high heels':

For some reason, I find this really disturbing .

Still a cute baby, but do we really want to do this to little girls? High heels are meant to be sexy-on a grown woman. In fact, isn't that the only reason for high heels-that they look hot? Otherwise, I can not imagine why we wear them.

It seems like people are forever lamenting how fast their children grow up. Why do this to your child then?

High heels are for big girls and a lot of the time big girls purposefully use them to look sexy and slutty. For reals, don't do this to your baby daughters.

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to buy those for my niece! Yes, they are extremely ridiculous, but after 3 nephews I was so excited about buying for a little girl. The issue is, they are like $40, which is completely ridiculous for a baby's shoes. It's all about dress-up though, not hypersexualizing our 3 month olds!
